
SPTS offers a large range of hardware and software upgrades, engineered to enhance your system’s capabilities, manage obsolescence and save money.

Upgrades enable you to get the most from your SPTS system and extend the product’s lifetime.  They can increase process performance, boost productivity, reduce the cost of ownership and enhance system automation or process control.

SPTS can also offer customised solutions tailored to your own needs, so if you want to know more:

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These are upgrades that provide a product improvement, e.g. improved quality (yield), speed (throughput), endpoint control and/or reliability. Popular...

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Capacity upgrades reconfigure the original system for different wafer sizes to increase a customer’s capacity, or change to different...

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Keep your software up-to-date with the latest functionality, safety features and compatibility with factory IT systems and industry automation standards...

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Legacy upgrades replace obsolete parts and prolong the lifetime of your system. Ensuring that your system has latest OEM components, ensures spares are...

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